Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Loire Valley

 We drove onto Orleans and found a beautiful park and site overlooking the Loire river.
Looks good for fly fishing too.

We met an Australian couple from Melbourne. Matt and Mel, were newly weds and a lovely couple who spent some time with us sharing places they had seen.
Grant listened to an Australian AFL game and enjoyed called Andy in South Australia. We went for a late afternoon bike ride but returned with the sound of thunder and lightening and when dark clouds followed raced back to the park.

It rained overnight but had cleared the next day as we left from Muides and visited the Chateau of Chambord - which is one of the biggest Chateaux of its type in France.

Just another McMansion

Ok - so its a little bit impressive

No problem with the neighbours

The centre staircase is the best - a double hellix (Leanardo DaVinci inspired) - but doesn't photograph so well

we can't be outdone by all the tourists to my right

Mademoiselle on the terrace

We were given a interesting interactive device which allowed us to find out about various sections of the Chateau by putting in the number displayed alongside an exhibit which was helpful. We climbed a lot of stair and learnt a lot about the history of this building from 1519 to current days. It was initially intended as a hunting lodge but it's architecture made it an extravagant chateau and very worthwhile visiting.

Later that day we headed to Chinon and visited the Royal Fortress of Chinon with a visit that started with the royal quarters and continues throughout the site.

Loire River Valley looks great - from one of many bridges

Chinon Fortress

Apparently the neighbours were always looking to knock you off in those days.

Lots of restoration work going on as this was largely a ruin until recent times

Fortress overlooks the Vienne River

The camp ground where we stayed is just over the river.

All along these visit trails you would find film and either interactive
or audio terminals to help you discover the site and its history. The history of the fortress portrays the great figures who have left their mark there. We stayed overnight at the Auger Island Camping Ground which is situated face to the castle, close to the river Vienne and next to the town centre.

Driving to Bordeaux, we had been told about the beauty of Saumur, an area south of Tours. It's a beautiful rich area with a delightful cobble stoned village.  We enjoyed riding through the streets and investigating the grounds of a nearby Chateau on the Easter Monday.  Most shops were closed with cafes and some restaurants open for business and Grant spotted a friendly black labador wagging his tail on a balcony. It was so nice that we decided to stay for a couple of days and parked our MotorHome on the banks of the river Loire which is just over the bridge from the village centre.

Good choice of accommodation with most sites nestled under the cover of trees and surrounding bushes. After setting ourselves up we headed off for another ride and lunch/early dinner at a corner cafe/restaurant.

1 comment:

  1. Hey guys,

    I was just looking through your photos and noticed the date on this post. We were in Chambord on the 25th of April! I'm surprised we didn't run into each other somewhere in the Loire Valley.

    Looks like you're having a great time. Lucas passed on the message about Lauterbrunnen. I'm guessing you got there?

