Thursday, April 14, 2011

The UK

We woke early on our first day in London. Traci worked for half the day and we spent the morning enjoying Tim’s company before meeting Traci in High Street, had a great Turkish lunch and then wandered around the area before Grant found a local agent who was able to fix both our phones for a very reasonable amount and able to purchase Sim cards for his new iPad2, and mobile phones so we can re-establish contact with the Internet for emails etc..We were  both really tired and slept well that night.
Newly engaged and really happy
We followed up the first day and headed off to the Portobello Road market and we all managed to buy something with Helena finding a charming  ‘London bus’ charm for her bracelet. It was great. Lots of people, loads of atmosphere as we strolled along the road, munching on some fresh crapes and just enjoying the ambiance of the place before it started to rain. It was a little chilly – about 8 degrees so needed a few layers just to keep warm. Later that evening we had dinner together at Rasa which specialises in food from Southern India. Food was lovely but it was cold. We strolled further along the road and finished the evening with a wine and cheese platter.

Yummy market food

Checking out the bargains
Flowers for sale - and given away towards the end of the day

Traci and her Dad

With the weather warming up we went to the Broadway market followed by the Columbia Road flower market. The market wasn’t operating but street was so quite active with lots of people enjoying the warmer weather (14 degrees)  we walked around enjoying all to see before having a late lunch   and buying several bunches of flowers. Traci took us to many of her favourite places. London is such an amazing place. The city just doesn’t go to sleep with people constantly on the move and restaurants doing great business for most of the night. Streets are crowded with cars, double decker buses, cabs , and the sound of sirens constantly breaking the sound of the night. It isn’t dark and reflection of the city lights are filtered over the skyline.

Three happy campers !!!
What a cutie !!

Left mid morning on the Monday and went by bus and tube to Covent Garden where we found the worlds biggest Apple retail outlet. It was amazing - floor by floor of computers, students and anything else to do with Apple. Grant needed to discuss some aspects of his new iPad2 so Traci and Helena looked at the numerous shops and enjoyed the variety of amazing merchandise for sale. It was quite cold and Helena had been looking forward to wearing her new Kathmandu goose and duck down jacket which would withstand most of the colder areas we had planned to visit. Unfortunately, when unpacking her jacket pack she realised that she’d bought the sleeveless vest that Lucas had given her. i.e. no sleeves and not great in the 4 degree mornings. However, have decided not to purchase another one, work with layers and make do with what she’s bought.  We enjoyed lunch together before heading back via bus and tube.    Lovely day.

The next day we went for a walk and had lunch at local 'park' which was a cemetery -  all 'quiet' with sounds of little squirrel in the bush - cute little things with large bushy tails and lots of birds. Quite a lovely spot with daffodils and trees growing over some of the family plots.

The next couple of days were full on. We hired  a 120D M series BMW on the Wednesday and travelled to Thames - North of London so we could look around for our motor home. We left a little later than planned and arrived at a place called Ramsay 40 foot (!!!) and looked at about 5 different motor homes including a couple of buses. Because it was late we decided to stay at a local B&B rather than travel back to London and return to the same general area the next day. We didn’t have overnight gear, or a change of clothes ! but place was quite cosy with bonus of cute little dog, Buster.  He was a real little gem – loved people and loved to be cuddled. I nearly took him with us!. After breakfast, we headed off for another three hour drive to Manchester where we had some lunch at local pub (lots of those) and went to address of the van. The guy who was selling it was obviously genuine and agreed to include many extras including fold out awning, separate annex and tent, hoses, push bike, television, pots/pans, plates, cups etc..... We decided on the spot to buy the vehicle with current owner arranging full 12 months MOT and Tax so good deal. MotorHome is in good condition - is a left hand drive with turbo diesel and very clean inside and should be a good home on wheels for the next four months. Having done the deal and agreed on pick up day of Tuesday of next week we headed back to London – another 3 hours in reasonably heavy traffic. Big day but good result and we’ve saved over 3,000 pounds on what dealers were asking for same type of vehicle. The plan at this stage is to catch a train to Manchester on Tuesday of next week , pick up the motor home and then travel north to The Lakes, Wales and possibly Scotland before travelling back to the South via Traci and Tim in London and then catch the ferry to France.


Friday was Helena's day with Traci. It was a magic day. We looked at the shops and enjoying each others company at Oxford Street before having a massage, manicure and pedicure followed by a champagne. It was great. We meet the boys later that same day and shared a Mexican meal, and then took a stroll to Trafalgar square where we saw the countdown clock for the Olympics.

Just the two of us

Traci and Tim

Saturday morning we caught the bus and train to the Richmond area and enjoyed a lovely walk along the Thames, saw many birds, lots of dogs, boats gliding down the river and the odd castle. Had lunch at a cute little English pub before catching the train so Traci could take her Dad to the Arsenal vs Blackburn Rovers soccer match at their home stadium which he enjoyed. Tim and I met them for dinner at local Italian restaurant. We’ve eaten Turkish, Italian, Mexican, and Indian food – all good. Our weight is being kept down with the walking we do every day. We also walk to the bus, walk to the tube station and just (you know) walk !!!

Traci and her Dad

The Second Week
Sunday was Mothers Day and Helena has lost her voice! A squeaky little sound comes out when she tries to speak. We went to Hampstead Village where we met some of Traci's friends - Cat, Anna and Bob, had lunch at the Village pub which was lovely and then we all went for a relaxing walk through  Hampstead Heath and to Parliament Hill where we had an excellent view over the city of London followed by dessert under the heater back at the Village pub. It was a special day and one Helena won't forget .

The following day we met Traci where she works at the Guardian Observer Newspaper group - she is account manager in the Travel Section of GMG (Guardian Media Group). Her working environment is amazing - the building is purpose built, is modern, massive and includes theatres and a box office in the basement. A canal was dug when the building was built and runs alongside the floor one restaurant and general public meeting place. They also operate a 'hot seat' mentality – which means you virtually have a different seat every day – 'first in best dressed for the day' kind of approach. Helena would have too much ‘stuff’ to do that but they seem to manage OK. It’s so incredibly modern in every aspect. Tight security and we just looked in awe at such an incredible place. We had lunch with Traci – in an amazing restaurant in the same building. The building also has a huge staff canteen on the staff floor with lots of thinking areas and it’s just so posh!  To finish the day, we went out to a really nice Turkish restaurant, sharing lots of dishes and it was magic food.

Tuesday 5/4  - my sister Trudi's birthday. Left London on 2pm. train to Manchester where we collected our new Motor Home.  It is a '97, Fiat Ducato 1.9 Turbo Diesel, has done 55,000km but only 10 km within past MOT period. It is a very neat and tidy little unit with sleeping for 4, functional kitchen area, clean and modern bathroom and good storage. Previous owner added pots/pans, television set and other extras. On collecting the vehicle we went to Dunelm Mill and purchased our All Seasons quilt (which is two quits clipped together - warmer one and extra warmth which you can take off and use in the summer. Good idea. We also bought sheets, towels, kettle, toaster etc and then went to Tesco Supermarket for a basic shop leaving us just 3 pence over budget !!! Feeling quite excited and ready to go we drove to Leeds and through the Yorkshire Countryside arriving at the Ripley carpark about 11.45pm. (Not intention, but couldn't find a park) Both incredibly tired, slept with clothes on and covered ourselves with new quilt - tomorrow we can set ourselves up.

Our new motorhome

Ready to go ................

Wednesday 6/4 - Unpacked and found a spot for everything. The Ripley area is beautiful and dominated by the Ripley Castle which has been in the family for 700 years. (Think how many times you move!!) Later that day we went for a walk and had fantastic meal at local pub - the Boars Head which is linked in history to the Castle and how the original owner was knighted by the King of the day when he saved his life. Touching story. Local butcher made us welcome and we enjoyed the famous Ripley Natural Ice Cream.

Ripley Butcher

Thursday April 7 - Did the Ripley Castle tour and did a long walk in the Castle gardens. Decided to stay in the area another night. Helena unfortunately burnt the hairs off her arm using the oven for the first time.

Friday April 8 - Woke up to a beautiful day. Left Ripley and headed to Ripon, Harrogate, Skipton to Clapham before arriving at the upper Lakes district. What a beautiful place. We stayed at the Windemere Lakes C/Park, joining the club which will continue to give us discounts during our stay in the UK. Lovely park, dog friendly with pheasants everywhere.

Saturday April 9 - Beautiful morning with clear blue skies.  Decided to walk to Windemere - we walked and walked and walked. Climbed over dry stacked walls/steps and asked several 'locals' where the walking track was. After a couple of hours we ended up back at the park where we packed up the van and drove to the local village, had a lovely walk around the lake and enjoyed the beauty of the area - the running streams, rolling pastures, sounds of the spring lambs and the ambience of the village.

The Third Week
We headed off early on the Sunday - drove thru the beautiful lakes and National Park district to Whitehaven on the Coast and then down to Liverpool via Blackpool in Lancashire. Found ourselves in the Delamere Forest where we stayed the night.  It certainly was an interesting journey - we nearly ran out of diesel and went around a roundabout x 3 times but enjoyed the 700km journey. Our journey encompassed Lakes District, Yorkshire Dales, Lancashire and Greater Manchester - it is a beautiful country side.

On the Monday we woke up to an overcast and drizzly day and left Forest about 12 noon. Grant made the day a 'surprise location' and we ended up in Britain's best known town called 'Stratford-upon-Avon which is the birthplace of William Shakespeare and full of history. We had a lovely meal at The Old Thatch Tavern which is literally the only thatched roof in the area and then drove to the Riverside Park which is nearby.

Overnight, Helena suffered from extreme case of food poisoning (or something!!) and it continued on the Tuesday. However, we moved on with Grant wanting to see the Cotswold area where we had a gentle walk and then headed to Oxford where we bunkered down at the Oxford Family Caravan Park. Early night.

Rose reasonably early on the Wednesday with Helena feeling much better and ready for action. Grant re-organised our ferry trip to France for Friday, and arranged a service for the van. We purchased some good footwear for planned walks in Europe and paid a visit to the local Hardware store and fixed a couple of things plus confirmed our vehicle insurance - we're now ready to go.    

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