Sunday, May 22, 2011

Spain - for the second time


We arrived late the night before in Sevilla - had been told it was a beautiful city which it is and needed to find the Post Office to receive parcel sent from the UK.

Staying at Camping Villsom we found that the weather was warm with temperatures about 39 degrees / and dry like Adelaide. Found some magic fabric in the city - and spent ages looking in the best Fabric Shop I had ever seen. I didn't come away empty handed and my friend Luiza will soon receive another parcel.

We enjoyed several cold beers and Tapas under mist tents, had some more drinks and yet some more Tapas and really enjoyed the ambience of the city. It was still hot.

Helena enjoyed meeting an  awesome horse and three dogs. Met some lovely Queenslanders and enjoyed their company before leaving the city late and caught the bus home.

Unfortunately, Sevilla was also the city that Helena got lost - really lost. (Story in more detail - The Day I got Lost ) but can fortunately now laugh about the situation she found herself in and hopes it never happens again.

We've spent another couple of days here as we waited for our parcel to arrive enjoying the city and all it had to offer. We became quite good at finding our parking spot and either walked or caught the Tram into the city square which was always full of people.


With parcel in hand, we headed to Granada arriving about 7pm.The local park was very expensive at 30 Euros per evening and no electricity!! Not good and we only stayed one night. Bought a replacement bike for Helena in Granada and then left for 6.5 hour drive to Valencia. Landscape was varied and interesting.

Great city.

We stayed at Camping Barcelona on a front site overlooking the water which was just magic. The weather was quite hot with 35-39 degree temperatures during the day with warm nights made more bearable by the gentle sea breeze.

For the first time we decided to take a 'Tourist Bus' to see as much of the city as possible. We saw Casa Mila by Antoni Gaudi - Gaudi (Gow dee) was an inspirational designer who used nature in his design. We were both in awe of his awesome skills and enjoyed the influence of his work in this busy city.

On our second day in this city we caught a mid-day 'Tourist Bus' and completed our trip from the previous day and enjoyed seeing the Port area, Olympic Ring, Sports University, the Antoni Gaudi Cathedral which was stunning with ideas of light and architecture well before his time. We visited Park Gruil which is a Gaudi designed garden in some 15 Hextres - absolutely stunning. Had late dinner and caught 10pm. bus back to the park.  

The drive from Barcelona to Figurers was enjoyable as we passed plots of cultitivated soil, old stone buildings and the buildings of today. We stopped at a little town called Figurers to visit the Theatre Museum Dali. Salvador Dali was a theatrical painter with a unique style which is quite sexually explicit and wide panorama of work and he was born in this area. There were several areas involved in the display each displaying art and art form in a different way.

After strolling around for a couple of hours we found a lovely local restaurant and enjoyed a Brochotte which was awesome with a cold beer.

A secret shared with us by an Australian couple we met in Savilla and a absolutely delightful little fishing and diving village close to the border of Spain and France. What an amazing place.

We arrived at our camp site quite late in the day and decided to take a stroll around the village, have something to eat and enjoy the ambience of this lovely little town. Our walk took us around a sea wall to small private beach, through cobbled streets and walking up winding little streets to discover the beauty of the coast when you stepped around the next bend.     

                                                                    Goodbye to Spain.

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